Rabu, 27 Februari 2013


PRABU SILIWANGIKasepuhan Cirebon palace located on Jalan Sultan Kasepuhan No.. 43, Village Kasepuhan, District Lemahwungkuk, Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia. Kasepuhan Cirebon palace is an important historical site. It is the seat of government as well as the center of the spread of Islam in West Java. First kaepuhan Cirebon palace was founded by Prince Sultan Pakungwati Cakrabuwana the name, then extended and refurbished by Sunan Gunung Jati in 1483 AD this time, the palace still remain stable, awake and well maintained with all legacy and architectural value.As coastal areas generally, the Port of Cirebon in the past known as a center of international trade. Cirebon city was visited by many traders and merchants. According to records, Cirebon designation comes from the word "Caruban" which means mixed. Because at that time, a lot of traders and merchants from various nations mingle and settle in the city. Then created acculturation.For more details will be described berikutmya.a. Cirebon palace architecture KasepuhanBuilding architecture and interior palace Kasepuhan describe a wide range of influences, ranging from the style of European, Chinese, Arab, and local culture that already exists, the Hindu and Javanese. All elements or cultural elements in the melt into the building Kasepuhan the palace.European influence seen in Greek-style columns, Doric kind used in buildings Pancaniti pavilion. The building is located on the front right side.Poles are round or cylindrical and tapers at the edges. At the bottom and top, pole ornate rectangular simple addition. Its function as a decoration or prop construction. Its size is and tend to be less proportional to the size of the building Pancaniti relatively small.Such a pole on top of the building there is also Jinem musicians, Jinem Arum located next to the main building or ward Elephant Nguling. In fact, there is a pole in Jinem musicians consists of two types, namely round and segidelapan. Each adorned with vertical cembungan around the body as well as the ornate pedestal and a beautiful head. On the whole surface of the pole round ornate small convex around the entire body. Base in the form of a square, but quite beautiful headdress, a plate stacked with three convex serrated rim.Furthermore, the building Nguling Elephant, which is sort of an open corridor that connects musicians with the ward wards Jinem Pringgondani, six pole pieces that are round like a pole located at ward Jinem musicians. Interestingly, the entire pole is used to support the construction of the roof of wooden Javanese style architecture. So that sounded less suitable because the poles are sturdy and heavy impression.European-style architecture in the form of arches semicircular threshold contained in the building Lawang Sanga (nine doors). Each of the three sides has three arches are sequential. The building is located outside the palace complex, mixed in with houses. So the impression of grandeur and beauty of the building is gone. In addition, the building is poorly maintained.Other European style influence is pilasters on the walls of the building, which makes the walls more interesting is not flat. European-style building also evident in the form of doors and windows in buildings Pringgondani wards, width and height as well as the use of jalousie as air vents. At the top of the door there is a spot light / air entry called bovenlicht (boven = on, licht = light).Bovenlicht the form with filigree motifs of flora and fauna, but only one animal object and its size was small. The main object in the form of red flowers placed among the tangle of stems and green leaves curled and swerved across the entire surface area of ​​filigree. Tendrils style is reminiscent of the Art Nouveau style that developed in Europe in the 18th century.Wards Prabayasa (Praba = sparkly, yasa = place / building) that means the most sparkly or fancy. In ancient times function as a place to receive guests great. The building is supported by a wooden pole saka totaling four were placed in the middle of the room. The pole saka tumpal ornate motifs derived from Java, golden color combined with green poles.At the base of the poles supporting the roof construction Joglo be too colorful decorations called marijuana, consisting of red, green, and gold. To be stable and prevent termites, at the bottom of the pile were beheaded pyramid-shaped stone pedestal called umpag. Umpag-umpag are given too ornate motif tumpal.Chinese InfluenceHindu-Javanese architectural influences that clearly stands out is the building Siti Hinggil (siti = ground, Hinggil = high) located at the front part of the palace complex. Siti Hinggil be open building complex consisting of five buildings without walls stage, called the Temple of joglo Bentar and roofed shingle materials. The entire building is made of brick construction as usual Hindu temple. Be a fence around the complex array of bricks with pillar-shaped tower called Candi Laras, and geometric shaped filigree ornaments segidelapan fence along the body.Impression Hindu style building looks strong, especially at the entrance to the complex, which is a gate of the same size or symmetry between the left and right as if split. So there is a temple called Fission. Siti Hinggil is the result of Dutch expert renovated in 1936. Between wards and ward Prabayasa Court there is a staircase wall because the latter ward floor higher. Heights as a symbol or a hierarchy to a more noble or honorable because it is for permasyuri and crown prince.At the front and rear pillars ornate three-dimensional ladder-shaped red lotus flower.The lotus flower is believed to be a symbol of life and immortality, while the red symbol of the blood, the life, and heavenly. On the wall to the left and right flanking stairs Court ward, there are ornate reliefs depicting kanigaran flower (flowers mangosteen) is red and in some parts are colored yellow as efforts to form a volume. Flowers are arranged in groups in the middle and some are spread throughout the field of relief.Kanigaran flower as a symbol of the honesty. As we know, the contents of the mangosteen fruit can be guessed through the petals found on the outer skin. If the petals of five, the contents of the five pieces, too. Then on top of the flower arrangement there are two Manuk genduwong (parrot) white placed on the left and on the right are symmetrical. As we know, parrots are intelligent birds that talk like humans.The walls are in addition to ornate reliefs were placed in the middle-as well as the entire surface of the walls is decorated porcelain patch of Dutch small 1 10 x 10 cm blue (Blauwe delft) and maroon. At the bottom, from the floor up to the second floor ward ward Supreme Prabayasa geometric ornament meanders are large enough. In the middle were patched blue Chinese porcelain plate.Painting on a plate depicts a Chinese painting with a multilevel perspective techniques. Actually sticking ceramic and porcelain were also found in all the wards including wall buuk door located next to the ward building. However, the pattern is different, which is placed at an angle of 45 degrees and spread within a certain distance on the entire surface of the wall or pillar.Chinese influence is also seen in the building ornaments crest gate with ornaments resembling Wadasan (rock) at the bottom as a symbol of strength and Megamendung (clouds) at the top. Both types of ornaments are symbols of the world above and below. In the middle of the building there is berambang arched gateway with pillars supported a European style, showed a trend of diverse architectural styles and complex.

b. A Brief History of the Kingdom / EmpireBefore we further learn about the history of the palace kasepuhan this, we first learn a brief history of the town itself and sedilkt Cirebon know what a traditional ceremony in Cirebon.History of CirebonStarting this historical narrative as Purwadaksina, Purwa Kawitan daksina Kawekasan, there was a huge empire in the west of the island of Java that Gemah Pakuan Pajajaran Ripah Repeh Rapih jinawi Fertile Loh Kang Kang Sarwa Sarwa Tinandur Tinuku Cheap, Cheap Kaloka Lan Clothing Food Safe Tentrem Kawontenanipun. With its King JAYA SRI DEWATA title BADUGA MAHARAJA PRABU SILIWANGI King, Punjuling Papak, Ugi Madraguna Sakti, True Skin Totosane Bojona Mboten distinct Tread Paluneng Pande, respected, adored and respected by people Puja opponents.King of the Gods was married to Jaya Subang Nyai Disallow granted two (2) sons and a daughter, who was born Prince Walangsungsang the year 1423 AD, the second Nyai Santang Lara was born in 1426 AD. Meanwhile, the third son of King Sengara was born in 1428 AD. In 1442 AD Prince Walangsungsang marry Princess Ki Nyai Endang Geulis Gedheng Danu Mara Warsih of Hermitage Mountain Fire.They stopped at several petapaan include petapaan Ciangkup Panongan village (Sedong), Petapaan Mount Beetle in Tegal and Petapaan Mount Cangak Mesigit Mundu village, which last until the Gunung Jati Amparan and it was there to meet with Datuk Sheikh Kahf coming of the kingdom of Persia . He was a teacher of Islam and the noble science of mind and character.Prince Walangsungsang Nyai Lara and his brother and his wife Santang Nyai Endang Geulis studied the Sheikh Nur Islamic Identity and settled with brother Ki Ki Gedheng Danusela Gedheng Danuwarsih. By Shaykh Nur Teak, Prince Walangsungsang Somadullah named and asked to open forest on the edge of East Northern Beaches Gunung Jati (Lemahwungkuk now). So since it stood Hamlet Tegal Alang-Alang which later was named the Village Caruban (mixture) which is becoming crowded and populated by various tribes to trade, farming and fishing in the sea.Danusela (Ki Gedheng Reeds) by the people chosen as the first Kuwu and passing away in the year 1447 AD was replaced by Prince Carbon Kuwu Walangsungsang as the second title of Prince Cakrabuana. Teak on the directive of Sheikh Nur, Prince Walangsungsang and Nyai Lara Santang pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Mecca.Walangsungsang Prince Haji Abdullah received his faith and his sister Lara Nyai Santang earned Hajah Sarifah Mudaim, then married an Egyptian king named Sharif Abullah. From the results of his marriage was blessed with 2 (two) sons, namely Sharif and Sharif Hidayatullah Nurullah. Upon his return from Mecca, Prince Cakrabuana establish tajug and the Big House, named Jelagrahan, which later developed into Pakungwati Kraton (palace Kasepuhan now) as a place of residence with Princess Kinasih Nyai Pakungwati. Stelah Grandpa Died Prince Cakrabuana Jumajan Jati, then Keratuan discontinued in Singapore (Singapore is + 14 Km North of Sunan Gunung Jati Pesarean) but the assets were used for the palace buildings and also formed Pakungwati soldier by the name of Dalem Agung Nyi Mas Pakungwati. King Siliwangi through his envoy, Hero constable and King Sengara (brother Prince Walangsungsang), mengakat Prince Carkrabuana a Hero by Sri Mangana degree.In the year 1470 AD after studying with Hiyatullah Sharif of Mecca, Baghdad, Campa and Pasai Ocean, came to the island of Java, first arrived in East Java and Banten then had the opportunity to consult with the trustees, led by Sunan Ampel. Deliberations resulted in an institution engaged in the spread of Islam in Java under the name Wali Sanga.As a member of the institute, Sharif Hidayatullah came to Carbon to meet Uwaknya, Hero Sri Mangana (Prince Walangsungsang) to teach Islam in Carbon and surrounding areas, then erected a hermitage called pekikiran (Mount Sembung now).After Ampel Suna died in 1478 AD, the Wali Sanga deliberations in Tuban, Sharif Hidayatullah was appointed to replace the leadership of Wali Sanga. Finally the center of Tuban Wali Sanga moved to Mount Sembung in Carbon was then called navel of the earth as the center of religious activity, while the central government based in Cirebon Kraton Kesulatan Pakungwati as the GERAGE. In the year 1479 AD, Sharif Hidayatullah is more famous as the Prince of Sunan Gunung Jati married the daughter of Prince Nyi Mas Pakungwati Cakrabuana of Nyai Mas Endang Geulis. Since then crowned Prince Sultan Sharif Hidayatullah Carbon I and settled in the palace Pakungwati.As usual which is always done by Prince Cakrabuana send tribute to Pakuan Pajajaran, then in 1482 AD after Sharif Hidayatullah was appointed an advanced Carbon Sulatan make announcement to the King Pakuan Pajajaran PRABU SILIWANGI not to send tribute again because Cirebon sultanate had become an Independent State. In addition to the Prince Sharif Hidayatullah through non Wali Sanga repeatedly begged the King Pajajaran willing to please embrace Islam but to no avail. That is the main cause why Prince Sharif Hidayatullah declared off Cirebon as Independent States of the power Pakuan Pajajaran.Events merdekanya Pajajaran Cirebon out of power, the date recorded in the history of Dwa Ties sukla Pakca cetra The Sahasra Patangatus Papat Ikang Sakakala, coinciding with the 12th Safar 887 Hijiriah or 2 April 1482 AD which is now celebrated as the anniversary of Cirebon RegencyCirebon city's history, the term "Cirebon" comes from the word "Caruban" means civil or mixed. In accordance with the means to grow Cirebon city with diverse culture that flourished there. Location of Cirebon on the north coast of Java to make the city as a port city that is very advanced in the XTV century. Even some of the historical record provides information about the role of Cirebon as a cruise through "The Silk Road". As a point of intersection or transit of foreign ships would impact the community. Because at that time, a lot of traders and merchants from various nations mingle and settle in the city. Then created acculturation.In addition to the international lines, Cirebon geographically located between Central Java and West Java to allow the creation of a unique culture, which acts as a bridge between the Cirebon Javanese culture and Sundanese.The effects of the possible occurrence of acculturation, both foreign culture to culture and vice versa. Acculturation produce a new culture in which when compared to the native culture is changing. It shows the diversity of cultures in Cirebon. As an example of the growing variety of buildings such as Cirebon palace, temples, mosques, and various other ancient buildings reveal the existence of acculturation.Palace-palace located in Cirebon has witnessed a long history of Cirebon city since the 13th century to the present, ranging from the establishment of the Sultanate of Cirebon to split into four leadership as it is now. History can terceritakan again in detail when we visit every palace located in Cirebon. Each site is left in the palace-court has a noble philosophy (should) be able to be a potential philosophical a city to move forward and develop.Unfortunately, at this time the area of ​​the empire became a lagging regions in terms of urban development. Palace into a landmarks (landmarks) only in terms of landmarks in the history of the term, but in the sense of building physical landmarks in the city, palace no longer strong enough presence. Covered by other buildings that hide the existence of the palace that was once the center of a town called Cirebon. (Kraton Kasepuhan covered by residential buildings that surround it, covered by a large palace Kanoman Kanoman markets are also well into the main gate towards the palace Kanoman).Urban developments that feel increasingly out of control should be limited to co-planning based development of some parts of the city on the study of the history of the Sultanate of Cirebon Cirebon to be like now. The power and potential of history to become a powerful groove to carry the physical development of Cirebon to cultural attractions such as the example established by the Kraton Yogyakarta, local culture and history.CeremonySyawalan Gunung JatiAny initial public Shawwal bula Cirebon region generally make a pilgrimage to the grave of Sunan Gunung Jati. In addition it is also to do tahlilan.Replace WelitYag ceremony held every year at the Tomb Kramat Trusmi to replace the roof of the family tomb of Ki Buyut Trusmi using Welit (woven palm leaves). Ceremony performed by the Trusmi. Usually held on the 25th of the month Mulud.RajabanCeremonies and pilgrimage to the tomb of the Prince and Prince Kejaksan Panjunan in Plangon. Generally attended by the relatives of the descendants of both prince. Conducted every 27 Rajab. Located in the tourist district Plangon Babakan Urban Sources approximately 1 km from the city center source.Replace shinglesThe ceremony is held every 4 years in the tomb of Ki Buyut Kramat Trusmi to replace the roof of the tomb that uses shingles. Usually celebrated with Leather puppet show and Fly.MuludanCeremonies are held each month Mulud (Maulud) at the Tomb of Sunan Gunung Jati. Namely a cleaning / washing Heritage palace known as amulets length. The event was held on the 8th of s / d 12 Mulud. While the center of activities carried out in the palace.Salawean TrusmiOne of the activities carried out at the tomb shrine Ki Buyut Trusmi. In addition, also held tahlilan. The event was held every 25th of the month Mulud.NadranNadran or parties are generally carried by sea as fishermen for the purpose of safety and ceremony to thank the Creator who has given sustenance. Implemented in almost along the coast (fishing berths) with time varying activities.History palace Kasepuhan CirebomSri Mangana Cakrabuana Prince, son of King Siliwangi of the Kingdom Padjajaran Bogor, noted as the founder of the palace around 1480 AD Pakungwati Position as crown prince and the Hero in Cirebon was made free to secede from the Kingdom Padjajaran. The decision was made to him more flexibility to develop the Islamic religion and also free from the influence of the Hindu religion, the official religion of the kingdom Padjajaran.Kasepuhan palace was founded in 1529 by Prince Mas Mochammad Arifin II (great-grandson of Sunan Gunung Jati) which replaces the throne of Sunan Gunung Jati in 1506, he was residing in the palace Great Pakungwati Cirebon.Keraton Kasepuhan formerly Pakungwati palace, while Prince Mas Mochammad Arifin Pakungwati Panembahan title I. And the title comes from the name of the Queen Pakungwati Goddess Pakungwati bint who married Prince Cakrabuana Sharif Hidayatullah, or more popularly known as Sunan Gunung Djati. After Prince Cakrabuana died, Sunan Gunung Djati ascended the throne in 1483 AD Apart from being a respected leader, Sunan Gunung Djati also known as an eminent scholar in Cirebon.In the year 1568 AD Sunan Gunung Djati died. Later, replaced by his grandson, Prince Gold who holds Panembahan Queen. During this Golden Prince built a new palace on the west Dalem Agung, named Sultan Pakungwati. Since the year 1697 AD, Sultan Pakungwati better known as Sultan Sultan Kasepuhan and sultannya Sepuh title.
In 1988, to preserve and protect the authenticity of the palace, especially the collection of objects of ancient relics of the Sultanate of Cirebon, two rooms in the front of the palace Kasepuhan into a museum that can be visited by the public.Lineage SULTAN Kasepuhan CIREBON1. Prince Pasarean2. Prince Carbon in Teak3. Panembahan Queen4. Prince Carbon in Teak5. Panembahan Girilaya6. Sultan Raja Syamsudin7. Sultan Raja Tajularipin Jamaludin8. Sultan Sejuh King Jaenudin9. Suna Sepuh Sultan Raja Moh Jaenudin10. Sultan Sejuh Safidin Matangaji11. Sultan Hasanudin Sejuh12. Sultan Sepuh I13. Sultan Sejuh King Samsudin I14. Sultan Sejuh King Samsudin II15. Sultan Sepuh King Ningrat16. Sultan Sepuh Jamaludin Aluda17. Sultan Sejuh King Rajaningrat18. Prince Sultan Raja H. Duke Maulana Pakuningrat, SH19. Prince Sultan Raja Arif Duke Natadiningratc. The Historical Collection is ownedCirebon is a city in West Java which still have a variety of artifacts, especially in Kasepuhan palace, where the palace is already old-saiL.tahun raru, Reverse Kasepuhan palace is the forerunner of the development of Islam in West Java. Various artifacts are there to provide inspiration for modern society of pluralism.Visiting Kasepuhan palace seemed to visit the city of Cirebon past. The presence of Sultan Kasepuhan also further strengthens that ever happened in the city of Cirebon acculturation.Acculturation that occurs not only between cultures Java Sundanese culture, but also with the various cultures of the world, such as China, India, Arabia, and Europe as yng already described above. This is a form of identity and community Cirebon typical today, which is not Javanese and Sundanese neither.The impression has been felt since the beginning of entering the palace site. The existence of two white tiger statues at the gate, in addition to symbolizing the Sultanate of Cirebon is the successor to the Kingdom Padjajaran, also shows the influence of Hinduism as the official religion of the kingdom Padjajaran. Gates that resemble temples in Bali, carved doors gapuranya European style, fence Siti Hingilnya of Chinese ceramics, and the walls of the palace made of red brick typical Javanese architecture, is another evidence of acculturation.
Shades of acculturation increasingly apparent when entering the front room that serves as a museum. In addition to containing a variety of knick-knacks typical Javanese kingdom in general, such as carriage lion barong, two ancient palanquin, and various types of weapons centuries-old heritage, the museum, visitors can also see the various collections of souvenirs such as jewelry and weapons from abroad, such as Egyptian rifles, cannons Mongols, and armor Portuguese, stretcher empress and wood reliefs depicting persenggamaan between men and women which symbolizes fertility. In this regard, we can see how the influence of Hindu-Buddhist tradition in the history of pre-colonial Java still survive in the reign of the kings of Islam in Java.Portuguese cannon which became part of the museum's collection also shows how the palace kasepuhan Cirebon sultan relationships with maritime forces from reaching the European spice trade routes in the archipelago in the 16th century and other important collections in the museum palace kasepuhan is what is known now as the Cirebon mask. This mask is a collection from the period of Sunan Gunung Jati represent a story about how art is used as a means of local spread of Islam in West Java, which can be compared with the use of puppets by Sunan Kalijaga medium in Central Java and East Java.
Throne made of simple wooden background color flag symbolizing nine Wali Songo. This proves that the Sultanate of Cirebon was also influenced by Javanese culture and religion.In addition, visitors can see the backyard garden of the palace and some of the well springs are considered sacred and a blessing.This area is visited by pilgrims at a ceremony held talisman length the palace every year to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad.The following figure shows a collection of gamelan musical instruments belonging kasepuhan palace which was a gift from the Sultan of Banten showing the relationship with the ruling authorities Cirebon Banten then equally founded in the heyday of Islamic rulers in Java. In the row of musical equipment, there are musical heritage sunan Kalijaga tambourine. Here we can see a mixture of Arab and Javanese traditions combine in the spread of Islam in Java at the time.
Building on the inside of the palace Kasepuhan very beautiful and well preserved. Teak chairs carved ivory lined up neatly, with crystal chandeliers and beautiful ornate wall. On the inside there is a wall with carved red lotus flower.
Front yard there are paintings depicting a white tiger also symbolizes the kingdom silihwangi. And the second picture is King silihwangi along with a white tiger.Singa Barong Kencana trains, this train is a train of hybrid culture, Islam, Hindu and Chinese. Islam is represented with wings (implementation of bouraq, bird mounts Prophet Muhammad in the event of Isra 'Mi'raj), represented by the Hindu elephant (Ganesha) and China represented by the dragon (although it looks just horns only), hence its name Paksi (bird ) Naga (dragon) Liman (elephant).
Kasepuhan palace surrounded by a fence and a gate made of red brick arrangement. Kasepuhan palace gate architecture has similarities with the temples of the Majapahit kingdom relics contained Trowulan .. The walls and red brick archway was built without using cement.
On the front page there is a statue of a white tiger, which is the symbol of the kingdom of King Siliwangi. The flag and symbol of the kingdom of Cirebon before the colonial period in the form of calligraphy are also shaped tiger, named Tiger Ali.
Towards the Prophet Muhammad's Birthday celebration / 1 Shawwal, the various series of ritual procession in his palace Kanoman in Cirebon. That ritual purification heirlooms, paintings, and train a dragon axis carriage liman or Singa Barong.In front of the palace there kasepuhan squares previously held a wide range of punishments to people breaking the rules like flogging to death.d. The role of the King / Sultan / Sunan At Adults ItHistoryAccording Sulendraningrat basing on Sunda Land Babad and Atja at Carita Purwaka Caruban Nagari script, Cirebon was originally a small hamlet built by Ki Gedeng Tapa, which gradually developed into a bustling village and named Caruban (Sundanese: mix), because there mixed immigrants of various ethnic groups, religions, languages, customs, and livelihood vary reside or trade.Considering initially the majority of people's livelihoods are as fishermen, the fishing and the developing work rebon (small shrimp) along the coast and making shrimp paste, pastes, and salt. Of the water used to manufacture condiment term (belendrang) of shrimp rebon is called the developing cai-rebon (Sundanese:, water rebon) which later became the Cirebon.With the support of the busy harbor and the natural resources of the hinterland, Cirebon then becomes a major city and became one of the important port on the north coast of Java in both the shipping and trading activities in the archipelago as well as with other parts of the world. In addition, Cirebon embryo grows into the center of the spread of Islam in West Java.Fragmentation of the Sultanate of CirebonWith the death of Panembahan Girilaya, then there is a vacuum in power. Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa immediately crowned Prince Wangsakerta Panembahan Girilaya instead, the responsibility of the province. Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa then sent troops and warships to help Trunojoyo, who was fighting Amangkurat I of Mataram. With the help Trunojoyo, the second son detained Panembahan Girilaya eventually freed and taken back to Cirebon for then also crowned as the ruler of the Sultanate of Cirebon.Divisions I (1677).The first division of the Sultanate of Cirebon, thus occurred during the coronation Panembahan Girilaya three sons, namely Sepuh Sultan, Sultan Anom, and Panembahan Cirebon in 1677. This is a new chapter in Cirebon palace, where the empire was split into three and each sovereign power and lower the next. Thus, the next ruler of the Sultanate of Cirebon is:
Sultan Palace Kasepuhan, Prince Martawijaya, with the title Sultan Muhammad Samsudin Makarimi Sepuh Abil (1677-1703)
Kanoman Sultan, Prince Kartawijaya, with the title of Sultan Muhammad Badrudin Makarimi Anom Abil (1677-1723).
Prince Wangsakerta, as Panembahan Cirebon with the title of Prince Abdul Kamil Muhammad Nasarudin or Panembahan cultivation (1677-1713).Change the title of Sultan Panembahan into the two eldest sons of Prince Girilaya was conducted by the Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, as both inducted into the Sultan of Cirebon in the capital of Banten. As sultan, they have full power region, the people, and the palace respectively.Prince Sultan was appointed Wangsakerta not but just Panembahan. He does not have jurisdiction or palace itself, but stands as kaprabonan (paguron), where the study of the intellectual palace. In the tradition of the empire in Cirebon, a succession of power since 1677 took place in accordance with the traditions of the palace, where the sultan would lose his throne to the eldest son of the queen. If no, will be sought grandson or great-grandson. If you had, then someone else can assume office as acting.Divisions II (1807).The succession of the next sultan generally runs smoothly, until the reign of Sultan Anom IV (1798-1803), where there is discord because one of his sons, the Prince King Kanoman, wanted to secede to build their own empire as the Sultanate Kacirebonan.Prince Will of King Kanoman supported by the Dutch colonial government to discharge besluit (Dutch: decree) the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies to lift the Prince Sultan Raja Kanoman Carbon Kacirebonan in 1807 with the restriction that the son and his successors have no right to the title sultan, simply by title of prince. Since then, in the Sultanate of Cirebon increased by one ruler again, the Sultanate Kacirebonan, a fraction of the Sultanate Kanoman. While the throne Sultan Kanoman V falls on the fourth son of Sultan Anom another named Sultan Anom Abusoleh Imamuddin (1803-1811).Colonial and independenceAfter the incident, the Dutch colonial government to interfere even more in the set Cirebon, so the surutlah role of the palace-the palace of the Sultanate of Cirebon in areas of power. The peak occurred in the years 1906 and 1926, where the authority of the government of the Sultanate of Cirebon was officially abolished with the ratification Gemeente Cheirebon (Cirebon), which covers an area of ​​1100 hectares, with a population of approximately 20,000 people (1906 No. Stlb.. 122 and Stlb. No. 1926 . 370). In 1942, the City of Cirebon again expanded to 2,450 hectares.At the time of independence, the Sultanate of Cirebon become an integral part of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. In general, the Sultanate of Cirebon Cirebon and covered in Cirebon regency, which is administratively each headed by Indonesian government officials that mayors and regents.Recent developmentsAfter the independence of Indonesia, Cirebon sultanate is no longer a center of government and the development of Islam. Nevertheless palace-palace there still perform its role as a center of cultural community, particularly in Cirebon and surrounding areas. Cirebon sultanate participate in various ceremonies and rituals of society and have been several times to take part in the Festival Palace Nusantara (fkn).Generally, as the palace of the Sultan Palace Kasepuhan Sepuh considered the most important because it is the oldest palace built in 1529, while the palace as the palace of Sultan Anom Kanoman founded in 1622, and the latter is the palace and the palace Kaprabonan Kacirebonan.In early March 2003, there has been an internal conflict Kanoman palace, the Prince King and Prince Muhammad Emirudin Eagles Muhammad Saladin, Sultan throne for appointment Kanoman XII. Sultan's second inauguration is expected to cause discord among the relatives of the palace.So basically the king's role is now only just become an icon and a man who had a huge influence in the development of history up to the development from the end, but it no longer has power completely, as already described in the "After the independence of Indonesia, Cirebon sultanate no longer is the center of government and the development of Islam. Nevertheless palace-palace there still perform its role as a center of cultural community, particularly in Cirebon and surrounding areas. "

Rabu, 08 Juli 2009




Jalan perjuangan Telp. (0231) 480202, 487326 Fax. (0231) 487346 Cirebon 45132
E-mail : info@smkn1-cirebon.sch.id


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    Siswa dapat terampil bekerja dalam membangun jaringan LAN.
    Siswa dapat mengatur atau menyeting komputer dengan benar.
    Siswa dapat mengoperasikan komputer jaringan dengan mahir dan menambah skill siswa dalam bekerja di suatu perusahaan ataupun yang lainnya.
    Siswa dapat memasang kabel UTP ke konektor RJ-45 dengan teliti, baik, dan benar.
    Siswa dapat membuat bagian-bagian yang sulit dan membutuhkan ketelitian dan keuletan dalam bekerja.
    1. Pengertian
    Jaringan komputer adalah sebuah sistem yang terdiri atas komputer-komputer dan perangkat jaringan lainnya yang saling berhubungan dan bekerjasama untuk mencapai suatu tujuan yang sama.
    2. Tujuan Jaringan Komputer
    Berbagi sumber daya, contohnya berbagi pemakaian printer, CPU, memori, harddisk atau file.
    Komunikasi: contohnya surat elektronik (e-mail), instant messaging, chatting
    Akses informasi: contohnya internet


Gambar 1 Topologi star dan konektor RJ-45 + kabel UTP

Ada 4 komponen utama yang terdapat pada suatu jaringan, yaitu sender (pengirim data informasi), protokol (yang meng-encode dan men-decode data informasi), media transmisi (medium transfer data), dan receiver (penerima data informasi). Prinsip kerjanya, pertama-tama sender mengirim sinyal informasi menuju receiver melalui protokol encode yang mengubah sinyal digital menjadi sinyal analog kemudian sinyal melalui media transmisi dan melalui protokol kedua di decode kembali menjadi sinyal digital sebelum masuk ke receiver.
Dalam membangun jaringan kali ini, kami menggunakan tipe jaringan client-server, jenis jaringan LAN, dan topologi star. Topologi star adalah topologi yang memiliki bentuk seperti bintang, setiap node terhubung secara terpusat pada sebuah perangkat keras Hub atau switch. Topologi ini yang paling banyak digunakan saat ini dan kabel yang digunakan adalah UTP dengan konektor RJ-45. Adapun langkah kerjanya adalah :
Persiapkan alat-alat dan bahan-bahan yang akan digunakan.
Ukur kabel yang akan dipakai.
Pasang kabel UTP dengan konektor RJ-45 dengan metode kabel straight.
Hubungkan ujung-ujung kabel ke switch dan PC.
Berilah IP address pada setiap komputer, dengan cara klik kanan My Network Place→Properties→Klik kanan Local Area Connection→Properties→Internet Protokol (TCP/IP)→Properties. Kemudian pilih Obtain an IP address automatically untuk memberi IP address secara otomatis atau pilih Use the following IP address untuk memberi IP address secara manual.
Beri nama PC dan beri nama Workgroup, dengan cara klik kanan My Computer→Properties→Pilih Network Identification→Properties→Lakukan Restart.
Gunakan modem bila komputer ingin dihubungkan ke jaringan internet.
Cek koneksi antar client atau client ke server dengan melakukan ping.
- LAN Tester - Crimping tool
- Gunting - Cutter/silet
- NIC/LAN card - PC ( minimal 2 unit ) -Kabel UTP
- Konektor RJ-45 - HUB/Switch
Keselamatan Kerja Peralatan
· Pastikan computer, hub/switch, kabel, konektor, semuanya dalam kondisi baik.
· Jangan meletakkan benda yang dapat mengeluarkan gelombang elektromagnetik di dekat computer, misalnya: magnet, handphone dan lain sebagainya.
· Gunakan komputer sesuai fungsinya dengan hati-hati.
Keselamatan Manusia
· Berdoalah sebelum memulai kegiatan.
· Bacalah dan pahami petunjuk pratikum pada setiap bekerja
· Lakukan langkah kerja sesuai pengarahan pembimbing
Membangun jaringan komputer dapat dimulai dengan memasang kabel UTP ke konektor RJ-45 dan menghubungkannya dari HUB/switch ke NIC pada PC. Lakukan pengaturan IP address sesuai dengan kelas yang digunakan, beri nama komputer dan workgroup. Terakhir cek koneksi server dengan client atau antar client.

Cirebon,…………………..2009 Mengetahui :
Pembimbing Industri


Menyetujui :
Guru Pembimbing,

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2009

wajah pribumi

Senin, 15 September 2008


Langkah pembuatan Mail Server dan DNS Server ( Postfix dan Bind9)

1. Perlu diketahui sebelum kita membuat sebuah Mail server kita harus membuat DNS Server terlebih dahulu untuk membuat MX (Mail eXchange) pada DNS Server tersebut MX ini digunakan untuk proses pengiriman dan penerimaan email dapat
2. Langkah pertama kita membuat sebuah DNS Server adalah sebagai berikut:
#apt-get install bind9
source diambil langsung dari internet berdasarkan file /etc/apt/sources.list
3. Lalu buka file konfigurasi pada file :
#pico /etc/bind/named.conf
4. Lalu tambahkan isi file sebagai berikut:
Zone “acoy.com” {
Type master;
File “/etc/bind/fajar.zone”;
} (konfigurasi ini untuk forward nya saja).
Simpan dengan menggunakan ctrl X lalu tekan Y
6 Jika ingin menambahkan reversenya tambahkan isi file berikut:
Zone “4.168.192.in-addr.arpa” {
Type master;
File “/etc/bind/fajar.rev”;
5. Simpan dengan menggunakan ctrl X lalu tekan Y
6. Lalu buat file untuk forward pada file :
#pico /etc/bind/fajar.zone
Lalu isikan dengan :
@ IN SOA acoy.com. root.acoy.com. (
42 ; serial
30M ; refresh
3H ; retry
1W ; expire
1D ; minimum
@ IN NS acoy.com.
@ IN MX 10 mail.acoy.com.
fajar IN A
www IN CNAME fajar
ftp IN CNAME fajar
mail IN CNAME fajar
7. Simpan dengan menggunakan ctrl X lalu tekan Y
8. Lalu sekarang buat file reverse konfigurasinya
#pico /etc/bind/fajar.rev
Lalu buat filenya sebagai berikut:
@ IN SOA acoy.com. root.acoy.com. (
42 ; serial
30M ; refresh
3H ; retry
1W ; expire
1D ; minimum
@ IN NS acoy.com.
133 IN PTR fajar.acoy.com.

Simpan dengan menggunakan ctrl X lalu tekan Y
9. Lalu restart daemon dari BIND;
#/etc/init.d/bind9 restart
10.Lalu untuk mencobanya ketikan:
#host fajar.acoy.com
Apabila tampil :
fajar A (maka konfigurasi DNS server telah selesai)

11.Langkah selanjutnya yaitu pengambilan paket, paket yang harus diambil dapat dilakukan dengan perintah apt-get karena dilakukan pengambilan dari internet ,yaitu:
#apt-get install postfix
#apt-get install popa3d
10. Setelah proses pengambilan/penginstallan selesai edit file dengan nama main.cf, yaitu dengan cara:
#pico /etc/postfix/main.cf
11. Setelah masuk edit pada file tersebut pada mynetwork, contoh:
Mynetwork = ganti dengan network address jaringan anda disini kami menggunakan
Network address, contoh
Mynetwork =
Myhostname = mail.acoy.com
Inet_interface = all
Mydomain = acoy.com
12. simpan configurasi tersebut dengan cara menekan ctrl+x, tekan y dan enter.
13. Sebelum mengetest postfix, terlebih dahulu postfix harus direstart dengan cara
#postfix restart
#postfix stop
#postfix start
14. untuk percobaan pengiriman pesan, kita terlebih dahulu harus membuat user dengan perintah adduser, contoh:
#adduser fajar
#passwd fajar
kemudian masukkan password anda 2 kali
15. kita lihat apakah port 25 sudah terbuka dengan menggunakan perintah:
#netstat –tapn
16. untuk mengirim pesan percobaan pertama pengiriman akan dilakukan dari root mengirim pesan ke user fajar, dengan cara sebagai berikut
#telnet 25
Lalu masukkan seperti yang ada dibawah ini:
helo acoy.com
mail from:root@mail.acoy.com
rcpt to:fajar @mail.acoy.com
isilah pesan yang akan dikirim, jika sudah selesai . kemudian ctrl+ ]
kemudian anda akan masuk ke telnet,jika ingin keluar ketik quit
Apabila anda ingin membaca email anda maka buka file:
#pico /var/mail/(nama user)
#pico /var/mail/fajar
Simpan dengan menggunakan ctrl X lalu tekan Y
17. Apabila pesan yang telah anda kirim tadi telah ada didalam file /var/mail/fajar maka mail server telah berhasil dijalankan.